
Japanese particle は & が|What the difference ha and ga?

Welcome to our Japanese cram school!

In this article we will take a look at the particles ha(は) and ga(が).

What’s the difference between two words?

There are some major grammatical differences in their usage.

And there are a lot articles about this in internet.


I’ve already read those! But couldn’t neatly understand!!
Actually, it’s difficult to explain the difference even for Japanese.
Huh? So how can we understand?
No problem. I can present the most simple method of those usages.



The difference between は and が

If you can’t know which one to use, you can pay attention, where’s the important piece.


犬(いぬ) 好(す)きではありません

I don’t like dogs.

犬(いぬ) 好(す)きです。

I like dogs.



___________  important 

 important  _______。


The sentence behind is important→ は

The previous sentence is important →が



Practice example 【particle は and が 】

1.彼女(かのじょ)[ はorが ] やさしいです。

2.山田(やまだ)さん [ はorが ] 30歳(さい)です。

3.今日(きょう)、荷物(にもつ)[ はorが ] 届(とど)きます。

4.彼(かれ)[ はorが ]東京(とうきょう)で働いています。

5.雨(あめ)[ はorが ]降(ふ)っています。


1.は 2.は 3.が 4.は 5.が


If you want to study japanese with Manga. Check it next article↓↓

in English:【simple easy good】Japanese manga ranking 2021 for beginners!

in Japanese:【2021年】日本語を勉強している外国人におすすめの漫画15選


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Contents: manga/anime/drama/film/TV show/orifinal film

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Free for 30 days

Contents: manga/anime/drama/film/TV show/original film

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You can find free Japanese manga from Kadokawa.


Sai Zen Sen

You can read some Japanese manga online for free.



There are some free Japanese manga to read online.


More reading(in Japanese):【は】と【が】の違いとは?


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です